As an ongoing commitment to be an active Schools Program Partner, Delta Community Credit Union will allocate funds per school, per calendar year, January 1 through December 31. Budgeted funds do not carry over year to year.
These funds can be used toward any activities or efforts that:
Support STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) related activities and programs. This is the preferred initiative and should be prioritized.
Facilitation of financial literacy workshops by Delta Community representative- classroom settings or larger group settings
Support and enrich the education of the students – including athletics, career days, STEAM activities, special events, etc.
Financial Education workshops are also available for parents, faculty and teachers
Delta Community Credit Union Community Development department will oversee the allocation and distribution of funds for each school.
Accurate measurements of outcomes are expected. Please be prepared to keep a record of how many students were impacted by the event or donation, the results of the sponsorship, and provide some form of documentation and/or pictures to your Community Development Representative upon conclusion of the event/donation.
All activities, sponsorships and donations should, in some way, recognize Delta Community Credit Union.
Examples of how Delta Community can benefit from activities, sponsorships and donations:
Signage at school
Recognition in newsletters or other printed/e-communications
Opportunity to be on-site and meet with faculty/staff to promote Delta Community
Check presentations at staff meetings and/or PTA events
The Community Development Representative will be the primary point of contact for each Schools Program Partner.
Only schools in the 16-county, metro Atlanta region and out-of-state branch communities in which Delta Community does business are eligible to apply.
Please read the guidelines outlined below prior to submitting your application. Should your event be sponsored by Delta Community, strict adherence to these guidelines is expected.
1. Online Application
All requests for funding must be made through the online sponsorship portal for consideration. Requests made outside the online sponsorship portal will not be eligible for funding.
2. Submission Deadlines
For sponsorship consideration all entries and supporting materials must be submitted 60 days before your event and received through the online sponsorship portal and according to the following guidelines:
Delta Community Credit Union will review requests on a monthly basis. All requests must be submitted according to the following timeline:
Q1- Community Event/Sponsorship takes place or is needed in Q1 (Jan., Feb., March) ALL requests due by Nov. 1 of the previous year.
Q2- Community Event/Sponsorship takes place in Q2 (April, May, June) ALL requests due by Feb. 1 of the current year.
Q3- Community Event/Sponsorship takes place in Q3 (July, Aug., Sept.) ALL requests due by May 1 of the current year.
Q4- Community Event/Sponsorship takes place in Q4 (Oct., Nov., Dec.) ALL requests due by Aug. 1 of the current year.
3. Qualified Sponsorship Recipient
Only requests ranging from $100 - $5,000 are considered through the online sponsorship portal.
The following are not eligible for funds from Delta Community:
Capital campaigns
Travel expenses
Political campaigns
Sectarian or religious organizations, for projects that serve only its own members or adherents
Organizations that discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or nationality
4. Review Process
All sponsorship requests made through the online portal will receive a written response after the application is reviewed. Do not contact your local Credit Union branch or the Delta Community Member Care Center to inquire about the status of your application. Should you have any questions after you receive a written response, please email the Community Development Department at
5. Branding