The judges for the Golden Trumpet Awards are distinguished public relations professionals representing leading organizations in the agency, corporate, for-profit and not-for profit sectors. Judges evaluate entries based on the planning, execution, and accomplishment of marketing and communications objectives, placing a high value on creativity and demonstrated results. To protect the integrity of the awards program, no judge reviews any category in which he/she or his/her agency or company has entered. Entries are not judged against each other. Each entry is judged on standards of excellence. More than one Golden Trumpet and one Silver Trumpet may be awarded in each category. If no entry in a category is deemed worthy, no award will be granted. Judges follow strict procedures and each entry is judged by three to four separate judges. Each category will be judged by experienced communications professionals on a 100-point system.


Entries are evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Objectives (maximum of 20 points):

How well does the entry describe the factors in the marketplace or organization that created the need for this project, and then, do the objectives provide a specific, detailed explanation of the objectives that guided the development of the project?

  • Techniques (maximum of 20 points):

What techniques, methods and approaches were used to address the objectives and solve the problem? If this is a single-item entry from a campaign, the single-item should provide enough explanation of strategic and tactical considerations, so that the content from which the single item evolved is clear.

  • Creativity (maximum of 20 points):

What creative initiatives or creative use of techniques, methods or approaches were used to achieve the objectives?

  • Results and ROI (Return on Investment) (maximum of 20 points):

Do the narrative and supporting material provide both quantitative and qualitative documentation of the success of the project, such as inquiries or sales generated, media coverage achieved, brand reputation enhanced/saved, feedback from company or client that objectives were met or surpassed?  Did the project “move the needle” or achieve something that was not previously achieved? The results should be measureable beyond “media impressions” to verify that achievements/goals  were met.

  • Quality of Entry (maximum of 20 points):

Overall excellence in writing and presentation of the entry and work submitted should be evaluated. What makes this entry worthy of a Gold or Silver Trumpet? How did the entry or campaign maximize results through solid, tactical PR work, use an innovative approach or achieve results that exceeded expectations? Please note: Sloppiness or excessive typos or narrative that do not address the above criteria are grounds for disqualification.