2019 LMA Eastern Canada Your Honor Awards


Welcome to the LMA Eastern Canada Your Honour Awards!

Deadline for Entries

The deadline for entering is October 7, 2019

Entry Fees

It’s free!

Qualifications and Entry Criteria

All entries must be produced for use by a law firm or organization based in Ontario, Quebec or Atlantic Canada. Consultants, agencies and designers submitting on behalf of a client must include, with the entry, a letter of permission from the firm on the firm’s letterhead.
Programs, initiatives and projects launched or implemented between January 1, 2018 and August 31, 2019 are eligible for submission. Please note that we extended the period of eligibility as we did not have an awards’ program in 2018.
  • Narrative: max 500 characters (excluding spaces) - score 10%
  • Goals, Challenges and Big Idea: max 1000 characters (excluding spaces) - score 20%
  • Implementation including budget (with images): max 1000 characters (excluding spaces) - score 30%
  • Results: max 1000 characters (excluding spaces) - score 30%
  • Why your initiative deserves an award: max 500 characters (excluding spaces) - score 10%
All incomplete entry forms will be disqualified.

Leadership Nomination Criteria

Nominations need to demonstrate the candidate’s contributions and accomplishments in the following areas:
  • Service as a role model and extraordinary contributions to legal marketing for the benefit of the industry and their firm
  • Demonstrated substantial experience and leadership in their role and commitment to the advancement of their team and the legal marketing profession
  • Contributions to the community (LMA or community at large)
Nominees for the Leadership Award need to be members of the LMA.

Recognition of Award Winners and Finalists

Awards will be presented to first-place winners in each category at the 2019 LMA Eastern Canada Regional Conference Your Honour Awards dinner which is to be held on November 21, 2019 at the Sheraton Centre Hotel. If applicable, second place winners and Honourable Mentions will be visually and verbally acknowledged during the awards presentation ceremony. Winning entries will be displayed at the event and featured on the LMA Eastern Canada website. We will request hard-copy samples of winning entries, as appropriate, for display at the event.
Judges have the option to select a single stand-out submission as the only winner in any category at their discretion.
All finalists will receive notification before the event but will not be informed of their ranking.
Judging will take place between October 7th and October 25th.
Participants who do not finish as a finalist will also receive notification before the event. A press release announcing winners will be distributed following the event and posted on the LMA Eastern Canada Region website. If selected as an award winner, the synopsis may be featured on the LMA Eastern Canada newsletter. All other data included on entry forms will not be distributed beyond the judging panel and LMA Eastern Canada Your Honour Awards Co-Chairs.
Judges Panel
All entries will be judged by a panel of marketing professionals. Judges may include representatives from the following fields: advertising, public relations, media, academia, legal, consulting, graphic design and professional services marketing. The judging process will be overseen by a member of the LMA Eastern Canada Regional Board. Judges will evaluate each entry according to the degree to which it met or exceeded the entrant's strategic objective, the creativity and originality demonstrated, and quality of execution.
While judges will make every attempt to select award recipients for each category and each level of award, awards may not be given in categories where the judges deem that the quality and/or quantity of entries do not warrant a winner. Judges reserve the right to move a submitted entry from one category to a more appropriate one. Judges may elect to award Honourable Mention Awards, beyond first and second place awards, at their discretion. Judges’ decisions are final.
Award Engraving
Please indicate the exact firm name to be engraved on your award should your entry be selected as a winner. There will be a charge for any changes to this designation after the entry is received. Limit of 75 characters including spaces.
If you have any questions about the call for entries, please contact Bianca Barbucci