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WIPA Awards of Excellence Rules

All valid entries must include the following items:

Completed Entry Form 

All submissions must have taken place from: January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015.

1) Photos and Videos - All photos and video must have proper consents from client and photographer and/or videographer.

Videos may not exceed 10 minutes and company name may not appear on submitted video or photos. 

Photos may not be watermarked and must be in JPEG format with a maximum resolution of 300dpi.  A maximum of twelve (12) photos may be uploaded.

2) A wedding event may be entered in multiple applicable categories, but must be submitted individually.

3) All submissions must be from real weddings. Entries may be a combination of all events from one single wedding.

4) The category entered must relate directly to the work completed by the submitter. Example, if you are the planner you may not submit for floral design unless you produced the floral work.

5) Entries will not be returned. All materials including photos and videos submitted to WIPA become the property of the organization and can be used at their discretion.

6) Anonymity: Please ensure your name does not appear on any materials; except for the Entry Form.

7) Submissions will be accepted from WIPA members and Non-members and will be judged equally.

8) Three submissions in any one category will deem the category a viable award. If at least 3 entries are not received, the category will be eliminated

9) What does it cost to submit an entry to the WIPA Awards of Excellence? 

Entry fee for members is $75 and for Non Members $125.

IMPORTANT REMINDERS:  Each wedding event entry must be submitted individually.

The only place that your employee or company name should appear will be on the Completed Entry Form.

Each entry should be work of the person submitting the entry or their company. All entries should be of real weddings.

Your company name should only appear on the entry form and not on any submission information. 

Each entry must be received by August 19, 2016 by 5:00 p.m. (PST) with a completed online payment.  

Once entry is complete, the WIPA office will send a confirmation email.

Each entry should be work of the person submitting the entry or their company. All entries should be of real weddings.

Your company name should only appear on the entry form and not on any submission information.