Please Review the award criteria and supporting data form carefully. The supporting data form is the second page of the online nomination form. Criteria and Nomination forms are on the APWA website. They will give you more information and directions. 

Please Address each of the following areas in your supporting documentation, adhering to the sequence below:

  • Development of the project to meet a perceived need of the community
  • Use of Alternative materials, practices, or funding that demonstrates a commitment to sustainability
  • Unique or unusual accomplishments under adverse conditions that dictated the defined action
  • Economic challenges that the community faced and the rationale of the option chosen
  • Creative use of municipal resources, equipment, labor, or funds that produced measureable benefits to the community
  • Construction processes that minimize the impact to the community and its residents during construction
  • Demonstrate awareness of opportunities for environmental preservation during the project and how they were incorporated in the project design and construction
  • Additional conditions deemed of importance to the public works agency, such as exceptional efforts to maintain quality control and if value engineering is used construction innovations as evidenced by time and/or money-saving techniques developed and/or successfully utilized.

Supporting documentation is limited to 20 pages exclusive of photographs and nomination form.