Welcome to the 2025 APWA Awards Competition nomination site. 

This site is where you will nominate all awards EXCEPT: Excellence in Snow and Ice Control Award, Top Ten Public Works Leaders of the Year, Public Works Project of the Year and Presidential Acknowledgment for Chapter Excellence. 

To begin click on the REGISTER tab in the top right to set up your account. You have to register first to be able to submit an entry. The entrant form allows you to assign a username and password and and login to begin. Please keep the email that is sent once you fill out the entrant form because APWA is not able to look up your password. 

Once you register by filling out a entrant form you will have access to submit a nomination by filling out the entry form which is also the nomination form.

  1. Click on add nomination and fill out the Entry Form (Entry Form and Entrant Form are two separate things). The Entry Form is what we use as the Nomination Form.
  2. Fill out the form Hit save; you can then go to the second tab. Fill out this form, hit save; repeat process for every tab until you reach the Upload tab.
  3. The Photo Field: We strongly encourage individual award candidates have a high-resolution photo ready to upload in the photo field.  If it is a company, then we need your company logo. Please use Jpg format for the photos.
  4. Upload your nomination.   HIT SAVE.  YOU ARE NOT DONE SUBMITTING THE NOMINATION. Follow the next step.
  5. Now go to View Entries and Submit your entry. YOU MUST CHOOSE SUBMIT FOR IT TO BE READY FOR JUDGING.
  6. You are now done and will receive a confirmation email.

Deadline to enter a nomination is March 3, 2025