Delta Community Credit Union

Community Sponsorship/Event Requests

Welcome to the Online Delta Community Sponsorship Request Portal

It’s not just a coincidence that we put the word “community” in our name. Supporting our local community is extremely important to us. We believe that the better off everyone is, the better off we all will be, which is why we support so many community programs. And it’s why we hope that you’ll take part in them, too.


A sponsorship is funding provided by Delta Community to support an event or fundraiser. Examples include, but are not limited to, school programs, galas, health fairs, golf tournaments, festivals and awards celebrations.

Priority consideration is given to organizations committed to work that aligns with our mission to help families manage their household finances and improve the physical and financial well-being of young people. Schools, churches, public entities and 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations working in these priority focus areas are eligible for assistance.

Only registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in the 16-county, metro Atlanta region and out-of-state branch communities in which Delta Community does business are eligible to apply.

Please refer to the Guidelines tab for more information.

To submit your request for community support click on the Register link to sign up. Once you have your login credentials, click the Login link to begin a new application or continue an existing one.