Purpose           The APWA Excellence in Snow and Ice Control Award was established to promote excellence in the management and administration of public works snow and ice operations. To promote the best practices in snow and ice removal while minimizing environmental impacts.

Eligibility         Any public works agency actively involved in snow and ice removal and operations is eligible to apply. Public works is defined as the physical structures and facilities that are developed, owned, and maintained by public agencies to house governmental functions and provide water, power, waste disposal, transportation, and similar public services, in accordance with established public policy. APWA membership is not required. No sitting member of the subcommittee or the member’s respective agency shall be eligible for the award. No previous award winners shall be considered for a repeat award for a period less than five years. All previous award winners will need to clearly demonstrate and will be judged on the continuous improvement of their snow and ice control program as it relates to improvements in technology, equipment, and service since they received their last award.

Selection         The award winner(s) is reviewed by the APWA Winter Maintenance Subcommittee and the Professional Manager and Snow and Ice Award Commitees.

                            Nominations    can be made by the managing public agency or APWA Chapters. Submittal should include supporting documentation that clearly addresses the categories                                  outlined on the criteria listed on the APWA website Excellence in Snow and Ice Control Award page.

Presentation    The award winner(s) is presented with a plaque at the North American Snow Conference and featured in APWA publications.