Tips for HS Flight Training Scholarship UPDATED
1. I am homeschooled. Who can serve as a reference in place of my parent who is my teacher? References from relatives will disqualify your application. References should be written by adults who have interacted with you as a supervisor. Coaches, instrumental, choral and dance teachers, church leaders, work supervisors are examples of people who could be used as references.
2. What is a transcript? A transcript is an official list of all the courses you have taken during high school including the grades you have earned during the 2016-2017 school year. This list along with the grades you have earned in each course, is not created by you, but is on an official form from your school. Please upload a COPY of your official transcript to the appropriate section of your application.
3. What should be included in my transcript? A transcript should include all the courses you have taken during high school including the grades you have earned during the 2016-2017 school year. It should also include your GPA or Grade Point Average, which is the average of all your grades from the courses you have taken in high school. The fact that the page is a COPY of the official transcript from your school with the school name included should also appear on the transcript.
4. Must the transcript be an official transcript? Yes. Your school guidance office should be able to print a copy for you or email you a locked PDF file of your transcript. Remember you must upload a COPY of the official transcript to the appropriate section of your application.
5. How recent should my transcript be? The transcript should be printed during the 2016-17 school year. If you are in grades 10-12 you should only include high school grades. If you are a 9th grade student transcripts should show all courses taken along with grades that were earned for each course. Transcripts also list your cumulative average.
6. How should I upload documents? You will need to scan your documents into a printer and upload them as PDF documents into the website. A teacher or other school official may be able to assist you.
7. What should the references write about? Your reference should explain how they know you. They also might describe ways that you display responsibility, leadership traits and good decision-making skills. Good references will help to make the case for why you should be chosen for a scholarship so choose someone who can say good things about you.
8. Who should be a reference for me? At least one reference must be from a teacher, flight instructor (if you have one) guidance counselor, coach, or other school official. Both references could be from teachers, guidance counselors, coaches, or other school officials. References must not be written by relatives or guardians. References should be adults who supervised you, not your high school friends.
9. Who cannot be a reference for me? References must not be written by relatives. References should be adults who have supervised you, not your high school friends. Make sure the person you choose is able to submit a recommendation onto his or her computer during the scholarship application time period.
10. How do my two references learn that I would like them to write a reference letter for me? Once you decide to apply for the scholarship, you should find references who would be willing to write a recommendation for you. After asking them, you may want to share the following link for the scholarship web page,, for more information.
Your references will receive an email directing them to input their recommendation for your application. This email will be sent only after you submit your completed application. It is important that you submit your application and give your references plenty of time to complete a reference for you by the deadline of May 19, 2017.
11. I’m having trouble saving my application, what should I do? Check to see if each box has text in it, then try saving again. Try using a laptop or desktop computer instead of your phone or other hand held device.
12. What GPA should I use, weighted or unweighted? Your GPA should be based on the unweighted method of calculating a GPA using the 4.0 scale.
13. If I am in 9th grade, what should I do for my GPA, transcript? Transcripts should include all first semester courses for the 2016-17 school year. Transcripts should also provide your cumulative average.
14. What is required for me to complete my application? Applicants must:
· Complete an online application with written responses.
· Upload the following documents:
o Your most recent high school transcript including the first semester grades of the 2016/2017 school year
o Affidavit signed by student and parent
· Supply two names for references. At least one must be from a high school teacher, counselor, coach, or other school official. Both references may be from teachers, counselors, coaches, or other school officials if you wish to do so. References must not be from anyone related to you, including a guardian. References should be from people who have been in a supervisory role to you, or another adult. Your reference will receive an email with a link and will be able to enter their recommendation for you directly onto the page.
15. Who should prepare the application? It is the responsibility of the high school student to fill out and complete the application. Make sure to talk to the people you choose to write references early so they can be finished by the application deadline, May 19, 2017.
16. How will my references know when to submit my recommendation? Once you have submitted your application your references will receive an email from Some applicants are reporting that the email is found in the junk email folder. You might tell your reference this and the name of the organization sending the email. Some references delete this email because they do not recognize the source.