How to Enter
1. Click on Register to start the process.
2. Next, please complete the registration form and create a username and password.
3. Once you’ve completed registration, you’ll be brought back to the submissions main page. At this point, you will be automatically logged into your new account. In the future, you’ll need to have your username and password in order to access your account, or you can save them in your browser if prompted when you submit your registration.
4. With your registration complete, you’re ready to begin entering!
5. To start an awards submission, simply click “Add Entry.”
6. When creating an entry, you’ll find three tabs to be completed: the Entry Details, Entry Materials and If You Win.
7. Start your entry by completing the Entry Details tab: create a title, then select the overall category and entry category for your entry. After you’ve chosen a title and category, the page will refresh and ask you to provide a client as well as a brief statement on the background of your campaign in 3500 characters or less (roughly 500 words). This statement is an opportunity to provide context for why your entry deserves to win, including information about the client, the challenge, the creative solution and results. When finished, click Save.
8. Next, click on the Entry Materials tab. Here you can upload a PDF and/or links to your supporting creative assets. To upload a PDF, simply click the Browse button, select your file from your hard drive, and Upload. To add a URL, type the address into the open field. To add another URL, click the + button and enter the next address. You may add up to 10 URLs. If you are directing judges to a password-protected webpage with your award materials or providing a password-protected PDF, please provide the access information (such as logins and passwords) in the open field marked “URL Access Information-Logins and Passwords.” When finished, click Save.
9. Next, click on the If You Win Tab. Should you win an award(s), a representative selection of images/video/links from your entry will be showcased online in the 2021 Global ACE Awards Winners Gallery. Please complete the form. When finished, click SAVE.
10. You can now add more entries by clicking Add Entry in the menu bar.
10. Click Review/Submit Entry to view all of your entries.
11. On the Review/Submit page, you can check the status of your entries, edit your entries, or submit them. You can also view or print your invoice for submitted entries.
12. To edit an entry, click on it and it will take you into your entry page.
To pay for your entry/entries, select your entry (you can select all entries by checking the box located on top). Now click on 'Pay Online' to continue checking out.
If the status of your entry is 'Completed', and you see a green dollar sign ($) indicating that you have successfully submitted your payment, you will see a "Submit' button next to each entry. Please click on it to submit your entry. Only submitted entries will qualify for judging.