Goals: Clearly state your marketing goals. What did you strive to achieve using this piece or program?
Fairmont Hotels & Resorts has an unrivaled portfolio of more than 90 extraordinary hotels around the world, where grand moments of life and personal milestones are celebrated and remembered long after any visit. Fairmont has been welcoming guests since 1907, to properties rich with character and deeply connected to the history, culture and community of their destinations. From Hawaii to Banff, the Maldives to London, Fairmont hotels can be found in some of the world’s most iconic locations. Fairmont is a participating brand in ALL - Accor Live Limitless – a lifestyle loyalty program providing access to a wide variety of rewards, services and experiences.
Today, when everyone and everything in the travel space claims to be “luxurious”, the term has lost its meaning. Now, more than ever, people are in search of unique experiences, placing increased value on once-in-a-lifetime activities that can be shared with family and friends. With this in mind, we set out to determine how we could breathe life back into the luxury experience and what it truly means to go above and beyond expectations, in the limitless ways our Fairmont guests and loyalty members deserve. While other hotels stay within their limits, we decided to explore further, elevating beyond what most thought possible, by curating experiences so unprecedented and unexpected, you have to see it to believe it. Welcome to Beyond Limits.
Our goal with this innovative, boundary pushing campaign, was position to Fairmont as the leader in one-of-a-kind experiences and to redefine luxury in the process by challenging the norms of what is expected. A secondary objective was to drive significant room night production through our supporting tactical campaign.
Results: Which of your original goals did you achieve and how? How did you measure the effectiveness of the piece or campaign? Entrants should provide quantifiable results of their tactics or campaigns. (for example, click through rates or ad equivalency)
Through Beyond Limits, we launched a series of limited experiences in some of the world’s most incredible locations. Each activation was truly one-of-a-kind, taking guests on an awe-inspiring journey.
Some of our experiences included the following:
• Symphony in a Cenote | In the lush Mexico jungle, Fairmont Mayakoba reimagined one of Riviera Maya’s famed limestone caves as a spectacular candlelit concert hall.
• Pauoa Bay Underwater Ballet | Guests at Fairmont Orchid in Hawaii had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to dive into a magical underwater world and witness a daring, mesmerizing live ballet performance beneath the sea.
• The Vertical Stage | Fairmont Century Plaza transformed its famed Los Angeles façade into the world’s first 19-story vertical dance floor for a troupe of gravity defying performance artists.
• Fire & Ice | In a tiny log cabin, at the edge of frozen Lake Louise, a master chef delivered an exclusive, intimate fireside culinary experience, inspired by the Japanese cooking style of Robatayaki.
• Haute O2 | High in the Canadian Rockies, where the air is pure and the views extend as far as the eye can see, Fairmont Banff Springs popped up a cliffside oxygen bar at 7,000 feet to refresh the mind, body and soul.
The campaign was supported by a custom microsite and a variety of digital, social & PR tactics. The accompanying offer consisted of an escalating discount of up to 25% off, which got better the longer the guest stayed. In addition, we hosted a series of FAM trips with top tier media and influencers in order to spread awareness around the campaign. Participating properties also actively promoted their activation through various hotel channels.
We set the following measurable objectives:
- 750 million campaign impressions
- Increase associated winter campaign bookings by 10%
- Increase associated campaign revenue by 5%
Return on Investment: How much revenue has the piece or campaign generated and how does this compare to your goal? What was the return on investment?
Within less than a year, we have generated an incredible 3 billion+ impressions and have been featured in top-tier publications from Travel + Leisure, to Forbes.com, Fortune and the Globe and Mail, while creating a huge buzz across social media platforms in the process.
Participating hotels have successfully created jaw-dropping, once-in-a-lifetime experiences for our guests, that can’t be found anywhere else.
Not only that, but our supporting winter offer generated a 22% increase in revenue and a 12% increase in bookings year-over-year, allowing us to significantly exceed our initial goals.
While the ROI is confidential, it is safe to say that Beyond Limits has been one of our most successful campaigns to date as we have made these boundary-pushing activations a part of the Fairmont DNA!
Integrated Campaign - Innovation