Adrian Awards 2021
Goals: Clearly state your marketing goals. What did you strive to achieve using this piece or program?
Andros Island is just one of the 16 major island destinations that make up the 700 islands of the Bahamas. Historically, Andros Island has been neglected by the destinations marketing campaigns, a mere footnote in the overall marketing of the Bahamas. Yet it contains some of the islands most deeply valued treasures. Our goal: to introduce Andros Island to consumers who have historically known the Bahamas as “Nassau” or “Freeport, to increase awareness of the island overall, as well as to increase website visits and ultimately visitation to Andros. To do this, we flew a production crew to Nassau to capture high-end video and photography assets. From there we constructed deeply immersive digital experiences that we call “stories.” Each story highlights a unique, but extraordinary aspect of the island, while simultaneously introducing a way for travelers to experience that island. These four stories: Lessons in Deep Sea Discover Take first-tie divers into the waters just off Andros Island. A Fly-Fishing Dream Two fly-fishing guides born on the island take you to some of their coveted fly-fishing locales. Androsia Hand Made Batik The art of batik—an ancient Indonesian dying process—is alive and well on Andros Island Captain Bill’s Blue Hole There are over 150 magical, vertical voids called “blue holes” dotting the island of Andros. Each one a mystery to explorers and travelers alike. In addition, we added a robust Andros Island page to to better showcase the island's unique assets and and better retain inbound interest.
Results: Which of your original goals did you achieve and how? How did you measure the effectiveness of the piece or campaign? Entrants should provide quantifiable results of their tactics or campaigns. (for example, click through rates or ad equivalency)
In the six months since its debut, the stories have earned over 3 million impressions. That's 800K unique users 3-4 times. That includes over 300,000 video views. Over 70 thousand traditional website visitors and hundreds of thousands social interactions on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and more. To put that into perspective. In 2019, The Andros Section of was visited just under 35,000 times. That's 2x the amount of web traffic. Time on site remained steady at over 2 minutes, which means that we doubled site traffic while not reducing quality of traffic. More importantly, however, Andros Island saw a 16% increase in visitation compared to the same time-period in 2019. It's critically important to note that 2019 was a record breaking year for The Bahamas with the highest number of visitation they have ever had. Visitation to Andros was 5,616 in 2019 and was 6,511 in 2021 (Mar - Aug) Note: Visitation numbers are conservative as they include only direct airlift to Andros and not travelers who connect through Nassau.
Budget: Please include total budget vs. total actual cost. How much revenue has the piece or campaign generated and how does this compare to your goal? What was the return on investment?
The budget for this project is confidential.
Entry Title
Andros Island - The Island of The Bahamas
Integrated Marketing Campaign - Integrated Marketing Campaign
Integrated Marketing Campaign
Entry Award: